My name is Sydney Pho and I am a ukulele teacher from Nashua, NH. I currently attend Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.
I have been playing the ukulele since 2017. I am also an award-winning pianist and have applied much of my musical knowledge to my ukulele instruction.
I started an Instagram music account (@sydneyphomusic) in 2018, and it has grown into a platform with over 4,000 followers. I also perform popular songs with ukulele accompaniment publicly.
I have a background in competitive piano and won the following competitions:
First place, Granite State Piano Competitions, 2014 and 2018
Performed two piano concertos, each accompanied by the Chiron Chamber Orchestra: Haydn’s Piano Concerto in C and Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 15 in B-flat major
First place, Sempre Musick 2020 Piano Competition
Schumann Award for Rhapsodic Playing, 2020 Piano Extravaganza! Competition